8 Key Components of a Disaster Recovery Plan

Unexpected challenges are part of running a business. Although some companies have security measures in place to protect from potential threats, this simply isn’t enough to prepare against potential disasters. Contingency plans for risks and potential disruption are a tried and true way of expecting the unexpected in today’s digitally focused world.

Disaster recovery plans are designed to help get you up and running after a crisis. They are vital for every business and can make the difference between a company that recovers rapidly and gets back to functioning efficiently and a company that crashes and is unable to bounce back. Here’s a list of some essential components of a disaster recovery plan that will help you create one for your organization:

Take Inventory of Everything

First, make an inventory of everything you have in the company. In particular, your IT systems, premises, software, data storage, hardware, and other assets. Add some scenarios to the inventory, such as fire, system failure, flooding, and others. Think about what would be affected in your business in case of any disaster and how you could mitigate the risk.


It is vital to speak to your team about disaster recovery plans and what needs to be included. They most likely will have a different perspective or notice something you don’t. Employees also need to know what to do if disaster strikes.

Set Goals and a Recovery Time

Once you know your systems and possible challenges, start thinking about recovery times. What would be the ideal time to get back up and running again? Some systems might be able to be back up and operational within minutes, but others could take longer.

Do a Risk Assessment

Not all your tasks will be critical. Which elements are essential and need to be prioritized? By working out the risks and priorities, you will organize your disaster recovery plan with the most critical factors at the top.

Look at Insurance

The best time to look at insurance cover is before a crisis. Catastrophe insurance helps with replacements of equipment, IT systems, and other assets. Buying a robust policy helps with the recovery of your business should the worst happen and can save you a significant amount of money.

Data Backups

Data backup and recovery should be a fundamental part of your disaster recovery plan. Regardless of a disaster recovery plan, you should back up your data systems regularly. You can either choose a cloud-based system or a managed data system. Backing up on your premises is not advised in case there is a natural disaster.

Review Offsite Support

If you have offsite support like a managed data system, this is the time to review the service you get. If you don’t already have offsite support, you should consider the functions from backup to updates that will help keep your business functioning at a cost-effective price. You will find there are lots of practical ways that a managed system can help you!

Test the System

Once you have written your disaster recovery plan, it’s time to test it out. This is a valuable learning experience as you will see what works well and what needs to change. Be sure to schedule time in your diary each year to review the plans and make any adjustments. You also need to check it after an incident such as a fire or system failure.

Now that you know the key components of a disaster recovery plan, you’ll soon be able to identify which components you still need to work on before you can create an effective plan for your business. A disaster recovery plan is essential as it will help protect your business from any catastrophic failure.

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At Nuvek, we offer proactive, data center-based solutions according to industry best practices. Get in touch with our team to learn more!

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