5 Signs It’s Time to Move Your Business Files to a Data Center in Idaho

When it comes to love, it’s usually best to keep things close to your heart. But no matter how much you love your data, the opposite is true with your business files—sometimes physical distance is the best way to keep your company’s information secure. That’s where data centers in Idaho come in. They store your data in a separate location from your business and dedicate themselves to protecting your information. Still, how do you know transitioning to an Idaho data center is right for you?

Your data security isn’t up-to-date

If your security measures don’t meet code and you can’t say with complete confidence that you trust your current system, it might be time to house your business information in a data center.

Security for business servers and other operational essentials are often the last on the list when setting up workplace infrastructure. Biometrics, surveillance, and on-site staff are necessary security precautions, but even these security measures do not translate to peace of mind. A data center in Idaho can ease your worries and greatest fears of an internal data breach.

You don’t have multiple backups

This is one of the few instances where redundancy is actually a good thing. Your business is treading on thin ice if you don’t have several backups for your primary devices. Outages and mishaps occur, and in most cases, beyond your control. You can’t prevent these instances, but you can prepare your business. If your office location doesn’t allow ample redundancy for your business, a data center can provide the necessary protection from data loss due to outages.

Your computer performance is suffering

Servers, computers, and other essential business hardware perform at different levels according to your workplace environment. Keeping a clean office and server room are the beginning steps to ensuring your equipment performs at its peak, but it’s not a comprehensive solution. Your servers, hard drives, and other equipment need an atmosphere that is dust-free, consistently cool, and with low humidity. 

Failure to meet your equipment’s needs can cause a decrease in device performance, overheating, and other costly issues. Data centers provide the ideal environment for servers and similar equipment throughout the work year. 

Your current infrastructure is too difficult to maintain

Hosting your business equipment can be challenging, especially if it’s not in a desirable location. Quality, security, and components, such as massive battery backups, generators, and other equipment can cost a small fortune to install and maintain. Instead of waiting to win the lottery, you can do the next best thing by letting Nuvek provide everything your business equipment needs for safety, performance, security, and more at an affordable rate. 

You’re not sure if your systems meet your industry’s compliance requirements

You need to ensure you meet the compliance guidelines if you’re considering hosting your business equipment on-site. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability (HIPAA), Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI), and Safe Harbor are a few of many certifications that may be necessary for hosting your data. Nuvek can host your data so you don’t have to worry about obtaining and maintaining numerous certifications, audits, or fretting over other regulatory concerns.

What is the Purpose of Data Centers in Idaho?

Third-party data centers in Idaho like Nuvek store, process, and disseminate applications and data. Nuvek provides proactive, managed IT services that help your business get a competitive advantage over the competition. Operating and maintaining a business requires risk-taking, but security should never be one of those risks.

What Are the Top Business Data Threats?

No business is invincible. Every business, including yours, is susceptible to internal and external threats that can compromise your data’s security.

Rogue Employees

Dissatisfied employees, especially IT employees, can be a significant threat to your business’ data security. IT employees have knowledge and access to your data center, computer networks, and other data that can disrupt your business.

Careless Employees

These careless mistakes cost your business its reputation, lawsuits, and more. Careless mistakes may include:

  •  Misplacing devices with sensitive information that are not secure
  • Visiting malicious websites while using the company’s network
  • Downloading attachments or opening links in suspicious emails
  • Using weak passwords
  • Not logging out of specific business platforms

Out-of-Date Software

Out-of-date software makes your business a target for hackers. Failing to update your software creates security vulnerabilities that may allow viruses to access your business’ confidential data and systems.

How Can Nuvek’s Data Center Help My Business?

At Nuvek, we help businesses like yours achieve scalability by offering our staffing capabilities and improving focus by handling your IT needs so that you can focus on other business essentials. We reduce the risk of outages and provide 24/7 support to ensure we meet and exceed your business needs. 

Properly storing your data on-premise can be difficult, but Nuvek can solve your storage data problems with its data center in Idaho. Contact us now to learn more about our services and truly experience peace of mind.

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